TechChange E-Learning Platform Powers Global OPS Field Training for Peacebuilding


Global OPS TechChangeTechChange is proud to be working with Global OPS, a platform for global peacebuilding, to provide real-time, customized assistance and professional development training for policy makers and peacebuilding practitioners working on the ground globally for peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and post-war recovery.

Using TechChange’s interactive e-learning platform, Global OPS will offer tailored support and training facilitation for UN experts and agencies, senior diplomats, government officials, peace practitioners, inter-governmental organisations staff, ministry staff and local authorities, and international organisations. These communities of practice will be forums to exchange lessons learned and timely knowledge on peacebuilding, prevention, crisis management, post-war recovery and stabilisation, and mediation and support for peace processes across the world.

To address key needs for peacebuilding, mediation and peace processes, conflict prevention, and post-war recovery, Global OPS modules have been developed to benefit peacebuilding practitioners based on extensive consultation with missions, agencies, organisations and governments in the field. Module facilitators are selected among a highly competitive pool of leading professionals with proven on-the-ground knowledge, expertise, and experience.

The first  two modules of Global OPS begin in a pilot phase on November 20th 2013:

  1. Early Warning, Early Response and Contemporary Peace Operations (12 weeks)
  2. Putting Theory into Practice: The link from Project Cycle to Evaluation, Design and Implementation (5 weeks)

A further launch of 9 modules will take place in March 2014 in the first full semester of Global OPS.

For more information on these courses, please visit

About Global OPS

Global OPS is a joint programme of the Department of Peace Operations and the International Peace and Development Training Centre (IPDTC) of PATRIR. It has been created to meet a critical need in the peacebuilding and global crisis and conflict management community to provide high quality customised support for agencies, experts, practitioners and policy-makers in the field through real-time, targeted and customised assistance.

You can check out the Global Ops website at

If your organization is interested engaging employees with interactive and customized online training, please contact TechChange at info [at] techchange [dot] org.


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