Communities of Practice

Breathe new life into your CoP with a little tech & lots of engagement

A Community of Practice is a group of professionals who engage with one another to learn, share knowledge, and solve problems within their domain. TechChange thoughtfully designs spaces and tools which allow members to collaborate on projects, share best practices, and tackle challenges together.

CoPs help professionals learn and grow…if they are effective

A well-functioning CoP enables individuals to leverage collective wisdom, support, and resources to achieve their learning goals.

But this doesn’t just happen. CoPs need active management and diverse methods of engagement to thrive.

How many of the items on the checklist does your CoP meet? If it’s not ALL, then TechChange can help.


We use human-centered design to build stronger communities

TechChange specializes in participatory design to engage your members in building the future of your community.

For example, in our patented Ideation Sessions, the wants and needs of your community can be harvested through needs assessments, urgency mapping exercises, and “asks and offers” exercises designed to encourage active contributions from all voices.


Social impact CoP experts

We have over a decade of experience in crafting dynamic, community-based training and spaces to ensure diverse engagement methods. And we do this exclusively in the social impact space.

We’ll work with you –and your members- to determine how they want to participate, and empower them to do so. Inclusivity and accessibility are top priority.


From flexible engagement to hands-on management

Every CoP is unique, and faces particular challenges. TechChange can help whether you desire:

  • A short-term consultation on new technologies
  • Creative assistance planning your year’s event calendar
  • Full-time CoP management

We have a vibrant group of experts from around the world in our Community of Practice, and working with TechChange helped us ensure we're engaging with them in creative, responsive, and inclusive ways.

Megan Cristofield, Jhpiego

Give your CoP a home on our Learning Platform

The TechChange Platform provides the perfect space for your CoP. Accessible and low-bandwidth friendly, all the community features we’ve built to be part of our courses and events can be leveraged to create a true community space: from discussion forums and participant maps, to the 1-1 chat feature and an event calendar, and more!

Multi-lingual support for maximum inclusivity

TechChange can provide simultaneous interpretation for live events or translation for any graphic or written assets, including communications to members.

Coming soon, our platform will feature AI-powered multi-lingual support. This will include the automatic translation of content to other languages, including the ability to translate discussion forum threads, so conversations can be held between participants speaking multiple languages.

Language will cease to be a barrier to community building and peer learning!

Talk to a CoP expert today.

Our expert team can help you unlock the technology and support to reinvigorate and empower your Community of Practice.

  • Ideation Workshops
  • Facilitation and Training
  • Recruitment of Subject Matter Experts
  • Hands-on Management

What are you looking to accomplish?