Staff Spotlight: Brittany Jones


Brittany is a Senior Account Manager with TechChange, where she supports the design and implementation of engaging virtual workshops. Prior to coming to TechChange, Brittany worked with students and teachers throughout the DMV area, managing transformative learning experiences that centered students in dynamic professional and personal development. When not working, Brittany enjoys exploring––just about anything and everything, either in a book or in the world.

Q: So, tell us more about yourself. How did you end up working in Education?

I had always been a pretty quiet kid. But in my final two summers of high school, I signed up to be a docent at our local zoo; I ended up spending hours standing outside the animal exhibits talking to visitors, sharing information, asking questions, and teaching about conservation efforts. I fell in love with the dynamism that the position offered, where everyday I had the opportunity to share my passions and excitement with the zoo’s visitors. I’d always loved learning; as a docent, I realized how naturally that love of learning transferred to a love of teaching. Since those summers, my long-term trajectory has always been directed towards a career in education, and I eventually plan to teach high school English. 

Q: How did you first hear about TechChange?

I was seeking new professional opportunities when I came across the job posting on LinkedIn. I was thrilled when, upon looking into the company, I found the TechChange Education Model; its emphasis on lifelong learning and the need to intentionally inject joy into all educational experiences are core beliefs I also hold. My excitement only increased when, upon starting the application, I found that TechChange asked for a non-traditional cover letter; it’s a small thing, but I value companies that provide opportunities for creativity and try to remove the formal structures—such as the format of a traditional cover letter—that otherwise inhibit one’s ability to more deeply know people.

Q: What are some of your favorite parts of working at TechChange so far?

There are many things I love about working at TechChange, but first and foremost are the people. My colleagues at TechChange consistently wow me; not only highly creative and quick to solve problems, they are also passionate about what they do and compassionate in every interaction—whether that interaction is with another colleague, a client, or one of our many course and workshop participants. But TechChange does something kind of amazing in that it not only attracts and finds amazing staff; it also attracts and finds amazing partners. I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to work with so many inspiring people, doing such a vast array of inspiring work.

Q: What excites you about this role?

I’m always excited by the chance to learn new things, and in this role I’m always learning. Because each project is so different—with unique topics, new learners, and specific needs—the opportunities to innovate, explore, and learn are constant. 

Q: Anything you look forward to working on or learning at TechChange in the next year?

It’s been incredible to watch—and be part of—the company’s growth over this past year; from new team members and partners to new processes and ideas, I have loved both witnessing this transformation, and I’ve loved being a part of it and contributing to it. It’s clear that TechChange is poised to continue growing in the new year, further refining our services to ensure we can bring even greater value to those with whom we work. I’m looking forward to being part of this continued growth—as well as, of course, continuing to grow myself.  

Q: Lastly, what’s something that not a lot of people know about you?

Though an introvert, I love meeting new people and having spontaneous conversations with strangers! While hiking and traveling in France, I loved hitchhiking and couchsurfing because it provided me with the opportunity to meet new people from all walks of life. 

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