ICT4Drinks: SDG Card Game Edition

ICT4Drinks Card Game

The latest TechChange happy hour deviated from our standard ICT4Drinks in that we invited selected partners to try out our latest Digital Principles game. Currently the card game is being built as a stand-alone activity as part of our DIAL workshop series. While many of the mechanics of the card game are the same as when we facilitated donor-driven workshops in Dublin and London, we’ve recently redesigned the game as an interactive PDF in order to make the game available to a wider audience, as well as save trees.

So instead of printing and maintaining a full deck, partners can download the PDF to an iPad (or laptop) and divide into the two teams of donors and implementers. The game will ultimately be available in multiple sizes of PDF, PNG, and the source files will be published under Creative Commons. Our hope is that by leveraging digital content along with the printable card game, we’ll encourage partners to create new scenarios specific to their use cases, as well as iterating on what we’ve already built.

And lastly, ePDFs are easy to transport! We’re going to take our card game on the road to Kampala, Uganda for ICT4D Conference, Berlin, Germany for re:publica, and Stockholm, Sweden for the Stockholm Internet Forum. Please drop us a line if you’re planning to attend and interested in trying out your own version of the game! We’ll have the latest version ready for public download in June 2019.


SDG Card Game iPad



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