Staff Spotlight: Lilly Snell


Lilly is a Project Assistant at TechChange, where she supports the development of engaging virtual experiences. She recently graduated from Brown University with a B.A. in International Relations and spent her summer researching distributed energy resource management systems and peer-to-peer renewable energy trading.

Q: So, tell us more about yourself. How did you end up working in Education?

During my senior year at Brown, I spontaneously registered for a course in UIUX design. Ultimately complementing my study of International Relations, my interest in UIUX allowed me to explore the intersection of design, current affairs, technology and digital media. While job hunting, my main goal was to find a role that would allow me to bridge the knowledge gap between academics and industry experts, and the diverse audiences who lack exposure to the same kind of knowledge and experience…And then I discovered TechChange!

Q: How did you first hear about TechChange?

I stumbled across TechChange on LinkedIn shortly after graduating from university. It didn’t take long to realize that my desire to find new ways to engage and inform different communities and individuals through visual and written storytelling aligned perfectly with the work TechChange was doing. 

Q: What are some of your favorite parts of working at TechChange so far?

TechChange has provided me with the opportunity to explore different projects, develop new skills, and dive into the world of tech and education. My team has always been incredibly supportive of my curiosity and has been instrumental to my continuous growth over the past year.

Q: What excites you about this role?

The role is ever-changing. New projects, new challenges and new opportunities are always emerging and there is a constant, unanimous anticipation of what is to come.

Q: Anything you look forward to working on or learning at TechChange in the next year?

I’m excited to learn more about the different tools and processes that contribute to successful, human-centered design!

Q: Lastly, what’s something that not a lot of people know about you?

I can write with both hands at the same time!

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