Staff Spotlight: Hailey Nicholas

Hailey Bio

Hailey recently joined the TechChange team as a Program Manager, where she helps elearning partners build and deliver learning experiences on digital health.

Q: So, tell us more about yourself. How did you end up working in education?
In my last year of college, I completed a fellowship with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Here, I developed the Enteric Disease Outbreak Response and Capacity Building Toolkit curriculum component for tertiary educational institutions in Sierra Leone- this prompted my journey to international education.

Q: How did you first hear about TechChange?
Shortly after returning to the States, I knew I wanted to relocate to the DC area. During my search, TechChange came to my attention. After I heard about their mission, I knew it was a place I wanted to contribute.

Q: What are some of your favorite parts of working at TechChange so far?
Starting anything new can be nerve-racking and overwhelming for anyone- especially during a pandemic, but the welcome that I received on my first day at TechChange was incredible. It felt like I had already been working there for a while. The team and I got straight to work and hit the ground running. The innovation and opportunity within the company I see will carry me a long way. It’s exciting to be a part of something that aligns so closely with your vision and goals.

Q: What excites you about this role?
Delivering equitable education platforms to increase capacity building is an essential part of public health. I am grateful to work alongside a team that emphasizes this, and can’t wait to get started on discovering new ways to improve partner relationships to achieve optimal health outcomes.

Q: Anything you look forward to working on or learning at TechChange in the next year?
I can’t wait to begin contributing to the intersection of public health, education, and eLearning. I value collaboration and am eager to get my hands dirty with all the projects.

Q: Lastly, what’s something that not a lot of people know about you?
After graduating and completing a CDC fellowship, I purchased a ticket to Australia and went on an 8-week spontaneous solo backpacking trip!

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