New Course! Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture with Online Education About Human Trafficking


We are very excited to announce a new course we have built for our partners at Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture. In this training, users learn how to recognize and stop human trafficking, with the help of compliance officers Jose and Sofia. They also learn about other compliance principles such as fraud, abuse, and conflicts of interest.

The course takes learners through a series of scenarios that debunk myths and misconceptions about human trafficking. For example, many often associate human trafficking with women when, in fact, men and boys are also victims of human trafficking through avenues such as forced labor, debt, bondage, and child soldiering.

In one module, which focuses on harassment and discrimination, learners can categorize different behaviors as appropriate or inappropriate by clicking the red, yellow, or green lights on a traffic light. This kind of interaction is just another example of how we at TechChange are working to create new ways of presenting information in engaging and tangible ways.

The final module takes learners to Mali and Bangladesh and gives common trafficking scenarios to test their knowledge.
Does your company need an online compliance course? We would love to partner in creating an easy and interactive learning experience for your organization. Email us at and let’s start a conversation.

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