Storytelling with Video Animation: How to Measure Peace

DME for Peace

How do you measure peace?

In July, DME for Peace got in touch with TechChange to help tell the story about the challenges that peacebuilders face. DME for Peace (Design, Monitoring & Evaluation for Peace) is a project of Search for Common Ground that serves as a network of peacebuilding practitioners, evaluators, and academics. As a platform for conflict management specialists to communicate with each other, DME for Peace allows this professional community to share best practices and insights on how to design, monitor, and evaluate peacebuilding practices around the world.

TechChange’s Creative team tackled DME for Peace’s challenge of communicating their story in a short, yet compelling way. Like many narratives, the best way to tell DME for Peace’s story was through a short, engaging animation. As 65% of all people are visual learners, TechChange’s Creative Director, Alon Askarov believes that to make data intensive information easier for people to digest, we need to communicate these ideas through graphic and data visualizations. TechChange’s creative team spent 4 weeks to create various assets and animations to create a video to tell DME for Peace’s story about the great work they are doing. We enjoyed our first collaboration with Search for Common Ground on this project and hope to help tell more stories about other projects and organizations doing great work around the world.

If your organization is interested in working with us to create an educational animation video, please contact the TechChange Creative Team at

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