Free Webinar on Ebola and Mobile Data Collection: Joel Selanikio on Magpi in Sierra Leone

Magpi data collection

What role can a mobile data collection app like Magpi have in fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone and other countries? How can Magpi address prevention, contact tracing, treatment and other challenges in managing Ebola?

Dr. Joel Selanikio will join us in a free webinar on February 26 to discuss his recent three month tour in Sierra Leone treating Ebola patients. In his talk, he’ll share the challenges of electronic data collection in Ebola treatment units and detail efforts to improve data collection practices across the world with his award-winning mobile data collection software, Magpi.

February 26th, 2015 at 10:00 am – 11:00 am EST
Virtual fireside chat with Joel Selanikio

Joel Selanikio, field

Joel Selanikio in the field. Photo credit: TinySpark

To learn more about Joel and Magpi prior to this webinar, please check out the following links:

Death Becomes Disturbingly Routine: The Diary Of An Ebola Doctor (NPR)

Magpie Helps Collect NGO Data — One Part of Helping Deal With The Ebola Crisis (Forbes)

The surprising seeds of a big-data revolution in healthcare (TedX)

Ebola: One Doctor in a Firefight (TinySpark)

Former CDC epidemiologist Dr. Joel Selanikio on the Ebola crisis  (CCTV)

Watch Joel’s TEDxTalk: The surprising seeds of a big-data revolution in healthcare:

Hope you can join us for the live session on February 26 at 10:00 am ET. Sign up now!

Photo credit for featured image: the Magpi Blog.

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