USIP event on mobile phones, peacebuilding and Afghanistan organized by TechChange

TechChange equips organizations with a suite of customized, strategic technology solutions that keep them at the forefront of emerging tech trends and their social applications.   Ok, we admit it – we’re big tech nerds.  But we’re also educators and trainers with a passion for using emerging tech tools to make our world a little better.  We recognize that few companies can bridge both worlds- being able to provide clients with technological know-how and content experience ranging from conflict management to emergency relief, and from peacebuilding to development. Our services fall within the four broad categories: social media implementation, distance learning (e-learning), multimedia development for education and training.  For a more detailed listing of each category, please see the attached documents.

Social media implementation
The “new media” revolution of social networking websites (Facebook and Twitter) and participatory media (YouTube and blogs) are the new face of global media.  Not sure what Web 2.0 is or how to navigate the multitude of options?  Don’t worry- we can help.  We’ll help you assess the what tools you should incorporate into your strategy and get you started on using these powerful tools to build your constituents, extend your message, and energize your constituents, effectively communicate through new tools.

Distance learning (e-Learning)
Distance learning continues to experience 12-14% annual growth in the U.S. each year.  Experts predict this trend to only continue.  Effective eLearning enables a highly cost effective means to extend your education and training goals to reach an unlimited audience worldwide.  But the choices can be daunting.  Should you use a synchronistic or asynchronistic delivery method?  Which content management system is best for your needs:  Blackboard, Moodle or GoingOn for example?  How do you migrate face-to-face curriculum into a virtual learning Desire2Learn Self-paced or hybrid?  What are the best practices for instructional design and trends in online pedagogical delivery? TechChange can help you navigate the choices by creating a strategic plan to help you meet your programmatic goals.

Multimedia development
Effective education and training today demands the integration of multiple formats for delivery.  As video conferencing, podcasting and video tools become not only accepted into education and training, but are also expected by today’s learners.  TechChange not only has the technical skills, but as professional educators also understands how to utilize these powerful media tools to enhance the effectiveness of your teaching and training and to increase the learning experience of your participants.

Sample Projects:

US Institute of Peace:

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